ROTOR Espagne - Offre d'emploi International Sales Assistant

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ROTOR Espagne - Offre d'emploi International Sales Assistant

Messagede FredVT » Mer 3 Déc 2008 19:41

Company description:
Rotor Bike Components is an up and coming bicycle component manager which doubles its business each year, following an aggressive growth plan for the future. We are best known for our Q-Rings, ovalized chainrings that have helped many athletes to world and European UCI titles, as well as the podium of the TDF in 2008. Our company is founded on creative and intelligent solutions to real world problems, being open to innovation in manners that most competitors do not dare. Rotor believes quality people are essential to business operation and supports a culture that embraces personal development, teamwork, innovation, technical excellence and professional integrity.

Job description: International Sales Assistant.
Next year our brand name will be thrown to the forefront of the industry with Sponsorship of the Cervélo Test team and a prominent Mountainbike team.

As such we’re looking for an additional staff member to reinforce our quickly growing commercial department - to serve our distribution partners in an enthusiastic, communicative, personal and professional manner - reporting to the head of the sales department. An example of the day to day tasks of this new staff member will be: telephone, email and fax communication with international customers, assistance to the sales department manager, entering and managing of orders, customer relationship management and service quality control.

Applicants are expected to be Self-motivated and capable of independent work. Only those willing to share and work toward our vision of climbing to the top of the bicycle component industry will succeed.

Fluent English and is a must, with a willingness and capability to expand language skills independently during employment. Applicants with a competent level of Spanish, German, French or Asian languages will receive preference.

Sales experience in the cycling or sports industry, a personal interest in cycling, technical understanding of bicycle parts and previous international experience would be considered a great strength. Full knowledge of Microsoft office and adeptness in logistical programmes is required.

This Job requires relocation to Madrid. At the moment no relocation budget is available. Travel to international trade shows is a potential future expansion of this sales role, as such the applicant must be willing to travel.

Applicants with EU citizenship or already having the right to reside in Spain are preferred, however this is not required. In case of non EU citizenship, any required visa or residency permit must be organized by the successful applicant with Rotor’s support when necessary

Package offered:
· 40 hour contract with a 6 month trial period
· Competitive Spanish wage package
· Generous free time included in contract
· Extensive future growth potential
· Wage earners in Spain are covered under the extensive Spanish state health system.

Submit your CV to: Phillip Lucas, Sales Manager.
Call +34 91884 3846 ext 14 (CET 09:00 to 18:00) for further details on how to submit your CV and motivation letter.
Messages: 1812
Inscription: Mer 3 Jan 2007 09:12
Localisation: France

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